Banking & Insurance
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Negotiating and liaising with lenders and government to help bridge the gap in finances caused by the lack of 100% available from the government’s Enhanced Defective Block Scheme.
Please be aware we cannot give financial advice but feel free to use the contact button below to let us know your experience with your lending institution. We are also working tirelessly for those not in a position to borrow and those with no mortgage.
The group has been assured that the banks have set up specialised defective block teams within their institutions to ensure the homeowner is treated as a vulnerable client (someone going through a life changing event/trauma) when they contact the lender.
This is a service provided to all customers going through life changing events but has never included owners of defective block properties until now.
Those email addresses are:
Negotiating and liaising with lenders and the government to help bridge the gap in finances caused by the lack of 100% available from the government’s Enhanced Defective Block Scheme
Members of the Banking Focus Redress Group appeared before the Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure, Reform and Taoiseach (JCFPERT) on July 5 2023.
Video Credit: Grant March,
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What do the Banking and Insurance Focus Groups do and can I still get involved?
As with all groups, we are always looking for new volunteers to come forward and help us to find ways to resolve the issues we face. The Banking and Insurance Focus Group have participated in the joint Oireachtas committee meeting on Finance, public expenditure and reform, and Taoiseach to discuss Redress with Redress Focus Groups 4th July 2023. The group has managed to bring all the lending institutions to the table. Many meetings have taken place with the Finance Minister and senior management and product development teams from AIB, BOI, PTSB, EBS, The Banking Federation of Ireland, Insurance Ireland, The Central Bank of Ireland as well as smaller institutions and vulture entities. Talks and negotiations are ongoing. To join the group please use the contact us page of this website or email us on
Banking & Insurance Volunteer Role Description
Banking & Insurance
Main Role(s):
- Developing and implementing a strategy looking in to the financial issues arising from the enhanced defective concrete scheme
- Looking in to emerging and current issues relating to mortgage and insurance issues
- Liaising with Banking and Insurance institutions and government departments
- Communicating to the Volunteer Coordinator and RFG Committee what the group is working on, upcoming meetings and outcomes when available. The RFG committee reserves the right to attend meetings where appropriate.
- Liaising with homeowners regarding financial matters that may help progress any work being done.
- Refrain from providing any financial advice.
- Working with the group to form action plans and pathways putting tasks and timelines in place to help towards achieving the goals of the group and resolutions to the issues.
- Help to build a supportive and empowering Redress Focus Groups community by attending meetings if possible and sharing info online when possible.
- Appoint a Volunteer Lead to liaise with Volunteer Coordinator and Committee.
Banking & Insurance Volunteer Agreement
Click here to download the Volunteer Agreement Form
Please print out the form, fill it in, and send it back to us via email at
Please note, this agreement is not a legal or formal document and is purely for the benefit of the volunteers and organisers of Redress Focus Groups to ensure clarity for all and the smooth running of the initiative. This is also a requirement of our membership with Donegal Volunteers and Volunteers Ireland.