Ireland’s Timeline; On the Precipice by Debra McCoy


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On the Precipice, by Debra McCoy

Debbie MacCoy hails from Connecticut in the USA and has been advocating for affected homeowners, researching, investigating and campaigning in her home of Connecticut, in Canada and also here in Ireland since 2016.

With her remarkable memory and attention to detail it is safe to say that whatever Debbie McCoy doesn’t know about these slow moving disasters and humanitarian crises due to iron sulphide minerals such as pyrite/pyrrhotite then it simply isn’t worth knowing.

Her recently launched book, Ireland’s TimeLine; On The Precipice, is a labour of love and a culmination of her passion and research laid out in reference style book. We are indebted to Debbie for her dedication to our crisis and her meticulous work over so many years.

All information you need to know is detailed in this book from the very beginnings of homeowners discovering there may be a problem right up until the present day and everything in between.

Please follow the link below to read the story.
