Lobbying Group
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The Lobbying Group deals with issues that need change at core levels within government both local and national.

We need many more people to help this group bring attention and change to core issues that directly affect defective block property owners now and long into the future, so if this is something you feel you have an interest in or would be good at, please get in touch.
See our FAQ section below for info on what this focus group has been working on.
Lobbying local and national government on the many issues arising from this crisis including policy changes needed and much more…
Have the Lobbying Group been engaging with the government so far?
This focus group wrote and submitted Redress Focus Groups contribution to the committee meeting in the Dail in June. A copy of which can be found on the NEWS section of the website and on our Facebook page. Mary Connors has also submitted and been engaging with the Public Consultation Process – Ireland’s Open Government Partnership National Action Plan 2023 – 2025. She has had a positive response and we look forward to hearing more on this.
What are some other issues this group has been helping with?
Recently a worrying revelation came up that DCC intends to build houses in a field very close to a row of 12 defective block houses in a private estate involving serious potential damage to these already damaged homes due to vibration from piled foundations. The lobbying group has engaged with the residents and councillors. We need to support and help with issues like this as the government urgently needs to change their planning and construction policies taking into consideration fragile homes close to construction areas.
What about the issue of selling houses with no mention of defective blocks?
Another major issue that needs highlighting is the one Yvonne Shevlin spoke about with Greg Hughes on Highland regarding the selling and reselling of houses and whose responsibility it is to pay for the testing of the property. There is no regulation around this and it is not a requirement to even state whether or not a home has or may have defective blocks.
Issues like this are what the Lobbying focus group is for, so do come forward to help get things like this sorted and dealt with.
Lobbying (Local & National) Volunteer Role Description
Lobbying (Local & National)
Main Role(s):
- Aim to promote and support positive changes in policies and regulations that affect property owners and their families who have been affected by the Defective Blocks Crisis.
- Monitoring and researching current legislation and policies regarding the Defective Concrete Crisis.
- Liaising as needed with the Government and State Bodies.
- Working with the group to form action plans and pathways putting tasks and timelines in place to help towards achieving the goals of the group and resolutions to the issues.
- Communicating to the Volunteer Coordinator and RFG Committee what the group is working on, upcoming meetings and outcomes when available. The RFG committee reserves the right to attend meetings where appropriate.
- Help to build a supportive and empowering Redress Focus Groups community by attending meetings and sharing info online when possible.
- Appoint a Volunteer Lead to liaise with Volunteer Coordinator and Committee.
Lobbying (Local & National) Volunteer Agreement
Click here to download the Volunteer Agreement Form
Please print out the form, fill it in, and send it back to us via email at info@redressfocusgroups.ie
Please note, this agreement is not a legal or formal document and is purely for the benefit of the volunteers and organisers of Redress Focus Groups to ensure clarity for all and the smooth running of the initiative. This is also a requirement of our membership with Donegal Volunteers and Volunteers Ireland.