6th November 2023
RFG to Minister Darragh O’Brien & Kevin Dillon
Dear Sirs,
I am writing to you on behalf of the Redress Focus Groups Committee in relation to the proposed Oversight Committee for the Enhanced Defective Concrete Scheme.
We have not received any information on this other than what we have read in the media so we would be grateful if you could share any information if you have in relation to the Oversight Committee and if a representative of Redress Focus Groups Committee will be part of this.
We look forward to hearing from you
Kind regards
Roisin Gallagher
Founder & Chairperson
21st November 2023
Minister Darragh O’Brien to RFG
RE: HPLG-MOBO-04117-2023
Dear Ms. Gallagher,
I have been asked by Mr. Darragh O’Brien, TD, and Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage to refer to your correspondence of 6 November 2023 regarding the enhanced Defective Concrete Blocks Scheme.
As you are aware, Minister O’ Brien commenced the Remediation of Dwellings Damaged by the Use of Defective Concrete Blocks Act 2022 (the Act) on 22 June 2023 which contains the enhanced grant scheme and adopted the related Regulations on 29 June 2023.
The enhanced grant scheme is now open to applications from homeowners in four counties: Clare, Donegal, Limerick and Mayo with comprehensive information of all aspects of the Scheme available on my Department’s website at the following link: https://www.gov.ie/en/service/8002e-enhanced-defective-concrete-blocks-grant-scheme/ .
The Minister has established an Implementation Steering Group to work through issues around the DCB scheme as they arise and make recommendations if further changes to the regulations or guidelines on the Scheme are needed. The Group comprises the relevant local authorities, officials from the Department, the Housing Agency, and the Homeowner’s Liaison Officer and has met in August, September, October and early November, with the next meeting scheduled for later this week. This Group will report directly to the Minister and will prepare a report on the first six months of operation of the scheme.
There are no plans, at this point, to extend the group beyond the current makeup. The Minister is satisfied that the various channels of engagement that are currently operating ensure that the views of all relevant stakeholders can, and are being heard. In particular the concerns of the homeowners come to the Department through Mr. John O’Connor, the Homeowner Liaison Officer. The Department remains fully committed to continuing to engage with a broad array of stakeholders through existing fora to assist it in determining the best option to provide a mechanism for dealing with DCB related issues that arise.
I trust this information is of some assistance to you.
Yours sincerely,
Niamh Redmond
Private Secretary
RFG to Minister Darragh O’Brien (Proposal letter to Minster Joe O’Brien for emergency funding for a Support Hub within)
21st November 2023
Hi Niamh,
Thanks for getting back to me. I would like it relayed to Minister O’Brien how very disappointing it is that a representative of Redress Focus Groups not be allowed to be involved in this process.
In our view it is imperative that input come directly from homeowners in these meetings and we believe working with Redress Focus Groups rather than separately is essential. I would like it noted that I had spoken with John O’Connor a few times but have had no response to any of my calls or emails for months. To not have a direct link or response from the homeowner liaison is far from satisfactory so would it be possible to get an explanation as to why we haven’t been able to link with Mr. O’Connor and if we can expect to be put in touch with someone who is available to liaise with us?
I would like to bring the following to the Ministers attention and hope to get a response on each. This is only a small fraction of the work we at Redress Focus Groups are doing, more information can be found on our recently launched website which we would urge you to have a look at – www.redressfocusgroups.ie.
We have requested a meeting with the Donegal County Council so that we might establish a working relationship with the various departments within the council but we await word on this. Again, working together on the many issues is much more effective than working separately to us. We would appreciate the Minister requesting the Donegal Council to work with us and our various experts within our 10 Redress Focus Groups. Would this be possible?
I would also like to bring to the Ministers attention a meeting that we have requested with the Ombudsman for Children, Mr. Muldoon. It is urgent that a report is undertaken on the health and welfare of children and young people living through this crisis. Would the Minister make representations to the Ombudsman for Children in favour of meeting the Mental Health and Youth Redress Focus Groups?
A major missing piece of information is the true number of homes that are affected. The current estimation is 4-7 thousand. Through our own visual surveys, investigations and research the more accurate number is upwards of 25 thousand homes affected throughout Donegal alone. There has been no official count or survey done to find out exactly how many homes and indeed people are affected throughout the county of Donegal or throughout any of the affected counties. This is the responsibility of the Minister and the Department for Housing, however we the homeowners and having to embark on this huge task. Our Data and Statistics Redress Focus Group are exploring ways in which to get this information. We are in talks with several companies but this type of work costs money and as you are aware, we at Redress Focus Groups receive no funding or resources to help us undertake the work we need to do. MEP Dolors Montserrat was very surprised to hear this when I spoke to the EU delegation for almost 1 hour in my home on the 31st of October. Does the Minister believe this work needs to be undertaken by ourselves at Redress Focus Groups? Will funding be provided to us for this work? If not, is the Minister able to assure us that the department will finally undertake this work?
Our Trade Construction and Building Professionals Redress Focus Group have submitted a proposal to the Donegal County Council in relation to the Donegal County Plan 2024-2030. We have raised two very important issues that we want addressed. The first and very worrying one being the total omission of any plans or even mention of the defective concrete crisis within this 420 page document. The second proposal is in relation to temporary accommodation. We have submitted our proposals and solutions to this problem. Both of these issues need to be addressed urgently and we look forward to hearing how our proposals will be handled and brought forward but we would like to ask Minister O’Brien if he will ensure these issues are acted upon by the Donegal County Council? You can view this proposal here –
Lastly, we want to bring to the Ministers attention the proposal that our Support Hub Redress Focus Group have put forward for emergency funding. A detailed document has been sent to Minister Joe O’Brien of Rural and Community Development detailing the need for this Support Hub including costings. I have added a copy of all the information sent to Minister Joe O’Brien to the body of this email below. We would like to know if Minister Darragh O’Brien could endeavour to speak to Minister Joe O’Brien and make representations in relation to the urgent need for supports, resources and a Support Hub? As previously stated, we have been given absolutely no supports, funding or resources. The EU delegation have told me they will look in to this as part of their investigations. I would ask the Minister what his plans are in relation to emergency funding? You will find the full proposal with link sent to Minister Joe O’Brien here –
“Dear Minster O’Brien,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to you on behalf of the Committee of Redress Focus Groups in relation to the request we have recently submitted to you through Padraig McLaughlin TD for much needed emergency funding for supports and resources for all affected by the defective concrete crisis.
The need for a support hub for all affected by the defective concrete crisis is essential and long overdue. Given the enormity and seriousness of the issue itself and the consequences of it in all aspects, emergency funding is now an urgent request.
The entire issue has gone from a manageable problem, to a crisis and now to a humanitarian crisis on top. Through our own visual surveys and estimations the true reality is not 5-7 thousand homes affected as widely reported, but upwards of 20 thousand homes at a minimum affected which translates to many more thousands of lives seriously directly or indirectly affected. These figures reflect homeowners alone and do not take in to consideration the true amount of commercial, public service buildings and so on affected.
To date the defective concrete crisis has received zero funding in terms of supports for practical and emotional help through this crisis.
The funding for mymind.ie has been pitiful in terms of what is actually needed and is not money well spent by any means. Mymind is based in Dublin so is a remote online counselling service for a maximum of 6 sessions for 6 people (75 hours) until the end of this year, 2023. Nowhere near sufficient.
The alternative of not providing supports to citizens during a crisis such as this is severe. I have clearly outlined these at the bottom of our Support Hub proposal attached.
Redress Focus Groups was established in January of this year and in only 10 months, we have achieved so much and proven beyond a doubt that we can make change happen together. All information can be found on our website at www.redressfocusgroups.ie
Attached is a proposal document for the Support Hub with costings, a link to the proposal on the website, and a link to Redress Focus Groups progress report which is quite remarkable in only 9 short months of being in existence.
Since this progress report we have now also:
– Built and released a comprehensive website, submitted a written submission to the draft Donegal County Plan 2024-2030 on the 13th of October re: the very worrying discovery that there is no mention of the defective concrete crisis in this 420 page document and also viable options for temporary accommodation to be made available for those needing to move from their homes during demolition and rebuild,
– Submitted a letter to the Ombudsman for Children, Mr. Muldoon requesting a meeting to discuss how they can get involved with urgent reports and reviews we need for children and young people living through this crisis.
– Requested a meeting with the Donegal County Council in order that we might establish a working relationship between Redress Focus Groups and various departments within the council to work efficiently together to resolve the many serious issues we are facing.
– Representatives of our Banking and Insurance group met with the EU delegation and I myself, as Chair and Founder of the Redress Focus Groups hosted the EU delegation in my home for almost an hour where I was able to relay a full picture of what is happening here from a homeowners perspective and also from the perspective of homeowners who have been forced to become activists and campaigners putting in extreme time and effort trying to get the help we need to fix this issue and get our lives back. I emphasised the complete absence of support from the government both physically and finacially.
Support Hub Proposal:
Support Hub Proposal on website:
Redress Focus Groups progress report Sept ’23:
Our website is an invaluable resource for homeowners which did not exist until its release recently. It is one we have worked immensely hard on and are very proud of. It is packed with information with so much more being added all the time. As with the initiative itself, everything in Redress Focus Groups is done to the highest standard with huge dedication. We want to work with the government and the local council in order to find pathways forward for the huge amount of serious issues that need to be solved aside from the scheme.
Unfortunately though, we can not sustain this level of commitment and professionalism without help nor should the people of Donegal be expected to get through this crisis without help.
Redress Focus Groups are a beacon of hope, not just for our entire county of Donegal but for all affected counties and indeed Northern Ireland who now also face this awful situation. They look to us a way forward out of the dark for their communities.
Our website explains in detail who Redress Focus Groups are, what we stand for and what we do. We have laid the groundwork and pathways for so much progress to be made on so many major issues and it is only right that we be allowed to continue this essential work in this unprecedented crisis.
The normal route of funding and ways of doing things do not apply in a crisis situation. We are not looking for another community centre here. A central hub is one of the first things thats is set up in any crisis situation, yet over 10 years in and the situation rapidly worsening we have nothing even remotely like one anywhere and there is no sign of any forthcoming. We are looking at the tip of the iceberg here in this crisis, so we need to work fast.
Having looked for supports for over three years it is fair to say that emergency funding is now the only fair way forward. We need and deserve to be supported through this crisis so I hope all requests for emergency funding will now be given very serious consideration with time being of the essence.
We would also like to offer our availability to meet with you, either online or in person at your earliest convenience, if you would like to discuss the proposal further and in more detail.
We look forward to hearing from you soon,
Roisin Gallagher
Founder and Chair
Redress Focus Groups”
If the Minister would like to meet with myself and the Redress Focus Groups committee about any of these issues or work that we do we would be more than happy to do so. I can also be contacted via the number below if you have any questions.
Thank you very much for your time and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards
Roisin Gallagher
Founder Chairperson
Redress Focus Groups
Tel: 087*******
4th of December 2023
Email to 37 Donegal Councillors asking for support and representation in relation to our proposal for Emergency funding for a Support Hub. So far 10 councillors have responded positively. We will update when we hear from all 37.
Dear all,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to you on behalf of the Redress Focus Groups committee to ask for your support in securing emergency funding for a Support Hub for those living through and affected by the Defective Concrete Crisis. As you know, some of us have been pushing for this essential Support Hub for a few years now but we need everyone’s help to get this in place.
We are forwarding you the email sent on the 6th of November to Minister Joe O’Brien at the department of Rural and Community Development of Social Protection with special responsibility for Community and Charities, which includes all relevant information on our proposal including links.
A more detailed email covering this proposal and all the work Redress Focus Groups is doing has also been sent to Minister Darragh O’Brien and we have asked for his support also. There are also MEPs who are making representations on our behalf in support of the call for emergency funding for a support hub.
We are asking you now, as local representatives who see the need for this on a daily basis, to please put your support behind this proposal as much as you can and as a matter of urgency. Please write to Minister Joe O’Brien and to anyone you think may be able to help us finally make the Support Hub a reality.
As local representatives it is imperative we get your support for this proposal.
Please reply to this email to let us know if you will be taking steps to ensure this proposal is successful.
Kind regards
12th of December 2023
Request for support for emergency funding for support hub sent to all Donegal TDs
Dear all,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to you on behalf of the Redress Focus Groups committee to ask for your support in securing emergency funding for a Support Hub for those living through and affected by the Defective Concrete Crisis. As you know, some of us have been pushing for this essential Support Hub for a few years now but we need everyone’s help to get this in place.
I want to thank you Padraig for taking this proposal to Minister Joe O’Brien on our behalf. I have added you in to this email for your information.
We are forwarding you the email sent on the 6th of November to Minister Joe O’Brien at the department of Rural and Community Development of Social Protection with special responsibility for Community and Charities, which includes all relevant information on our proposal including links.
A more detailed email covering this proposal and all the work Redress Focus Groups is doing has also been sent to Minister Darragh O’Brien and we have asked for his support also. There are also MEPs who are making representations on our behalf in support of the call for emergency funding for a support hub. We have emailed all 37 Donegal councillors asking for their support and have had a response and actions so far from 10 councillors.
We are asking you now, as Donegal representatives who see the need for this on a daily basis, to please put your support behind this proposal as much as you can and as a matter of urgency. Please write to Minister Joe O’Brien and to anyone you think may be able to help us finally make the Support Hub a reality.
Email sent to Minister Joe O’Brien:
Dear Minster O’Brien,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to you on behalf of the Committee of Redress Focus Groups in relation to the request we have recently submitted to you through Padraig McLaughlin TD for much needed emergency funding for supports and resources for all affected by the defective concrete crisis.
The need for a support hub for all affected by the defective concrete crisis is essential and long overdue. Given the enormity and seriousness of the issue itself and the consequences of it in all aspects, emergency funding is now an urgent request.
The entire issue has gone from a manageable problem, to a crisis and now to a humanitarian crisis on top. Through our own visual surveys and estimations the true reality is not 5-7 thousand homes affected as widely reported, but upwards of 20 thousand homes at a minimum affected which translates to many more thousands of lives seriously directly or indirectly affected. These figures reflect homeowners alone and do not take in to consideration the true amount of commercial, public service buildings and so on affected.
To date the defective concrete crisis has received zero funding in terms of supports for practical and emotional help through this crisis.
The funding for mymind.ie has been pitiful in terms of what is actually needed and is not money well spent by any means. Mymind is based in Dublin so is a remote online counselling service for a maximum of 6 sessions for 6 people (75 hours) until the end of this year, 2023. Nowhere near sufficient.
The alternative of not providing supports to citizens during a crisis such as this is severe. I have clearly outlined these at the bottom of our Support Hub proposal attached.
Redress Focus Groups was established in January of this year and in only 10 months, we have achieved so much and proven beyond a doubt that we can make change happen together. All information can be found on our website at www.redressfocusgroups.ie
Attached is a proposal document for the Support Hub with costings, a link to the proposal on the website, and a link to Redress Focus Groups progress report which is quite remarkable in only 9 short months of being in existence.
Since this progress report we have now also:
– Built and released a comprehensive website, submitted a written submission to the draft Donegal County Plan 2024-2030 on the 13th of October re: the very worrying discovery that there is no mention of the defective concrete crisis in this 420 page document and also viable options for temporary accommodation to be made available for those needing to move from their homes during demolition and rebuild,
– Submitted a letter to the Ombudsman for Children, Mr. Muldoon requesting a meeting to discuss how they can get involved with urgent reports and reviews we need for children and young people living through this crisis.
– Requested a meeting with the Donegal County Council in order that we might establish a working relationship between Redress Focus Groups and various departments within the council to work efficiently together to resolve the many serious issues we are facing.
– Representatives of our Banking and Insurance group met with the EU delegation and I myself, as Chair and Founder of the Redress Focus Groups hosted the EU delegation in my home for almost an hour where I was able to relay a full picture of what is happening here from a homeowners perspective and also from the perspective of homeowners who have been forced to become activists and campaigners putting in extreme time and effort trying to get the help we need to fix this issue and get our lives back. I emphasised the complete absence of support from the government both physically and finacially.
Support Hub Proposal:
Support Hub Proposal on website:
Redress Focus Groups progress report Sept ’23:
Our website is an invaluable resource for homeowners which did not exist until its release recently. It is one we have worked immensely hard on and are very proud of. It is packed with information with so much more being added all the time. As with the initiative itself, everything in Redress Focus Groups is done to the highest standard with huge dedication. We want to work with the government and the local council in order to find pathways forward for the huge amount of serious issues that need to be solved aside from the scheme.
Unfortunately though, we can not sustain this level of commitment and professionalism without help nor should the people of Donegal be expected to get through this crisis without help.
Redress Focus Groups are a beacon of hope, not just for our entire county of Donegal but for all affected counties and indeed Northern Ireland who now also face this awful situation. They look to us a way forward out of the dark for their communities.
Our website explains in detail who Redress Focus Groups are, what we stand for and what we do. We have laid the groundwork and pathways for so much progress to be made on so many major issues and it is only right that we be allowed to continue this essential work in this unprecedented crisis.
The normal route of funding and ways of doing things do not apply in a crisis situation. We are not looking for another community centre here. A central hub is one of the first things thats is set up in any crisis situation, yet over 10 years in and the situation rapidly worsening we have nothing even remotely like one anywhere and there is no sign of any forthcoming. We are looking at the tip of the iceberg here in this crisis, so we need to work fast.
Having looked for supports for over three years it is fair to say that emergency funding is now the only fair way forward. We need and deserve to be supported through this crisis so I hope all requests for emergency funding will now be given very serious consideration with time being of the essence.
We would also like to offer our availability to meet with you, either online or in person at your earliest convenience, if you would like to discuss the proposal further and in more detail.
We look forward to hearing from you soon,
Roisin Gallagher
Founder and Chair
Redress Focus Groups
As Donegal representatives it is imperative we get your support for this proposal.
Please reply to this email to let us know if you will be taking steps to ensure this proposal is successful.
Kind regards
Roisin Gallagher on behalf of
Redress Focus Groups Committee