Non Residential Buildings Group


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A place for all affected property owners to come together to forge a pathway forward in getting help to restore properties that are not included in any redress/grant scheme.


This group is for non residential, second or holiday home, commercial property owners and also leaders/managers/committees/principals and staff of all community centres, creches, youth facilities, nursing homes etc. to come together to forge a viable pathway forward for the rebuild and continued safe running of these essential buildings and services.

We will be focusing on getting redress and creating awareness around buildings with defective concrete other than residential homes e.g. Second homes, holiday homes, commercial, private, public service, clubs, office buildings, sheds, walls, septic tanks etc.

It shouldn’t matter what the building is, if it was built with defective materials it should be included in any scheme being delivered by the government to bring what was paid for back to full value.

A place for all affected to come together to forge a pathway forward in getting help to restore properties that are not included in any redress/grant scheme.


What is classed as non residential?

Any building or infrastructure that was built with defective blocks but not included in the governments Enhanced Defective Concrete Blocks Scheme. This means anything other than a primary residence or a rental property registered with the Rental Tenancy Board.

Have this group started working on these issues yet?

No, this group needs all business owners, holiday home owners, community centre and club leaders, schools staff and all affected in this area to start uniting to get discussions going and plans in place for how this sector are going to move forward to seek justice and redress.

I am a business owner whose building has defective concrete blocks, how do I join this group?

Click the ‘Become a Volunteer’ button at the very top of this website to submit your contact details and we will add you to the Non Residential Buildings Focus Group

Non Residential Buildings (holiday homes/commercial/community) Volunteer Role Description

Non Residential Buildings (holiday homes/commercial/community)

Main Role(s): 

  1. Assisting to locate and identify properties, local and national, that are affected by the defective blocks crisis but are not included in the Enhanced Defective Concrete Concrete Scheme. 
  2. Researching ways to get redress for buildings with defective concrete other than residential homes e.g. second homes, holiday homes, commercial, private, public service, clubs, office buildings, sheds, walls, septic tanks etc. 
  3. Liaising with property owners as needed to gather information surrounding their property etc. 
  4. Liaising with State Bodies and Insurance companies as needed. 
  5. Liaising with the Government as needed.
  6. Communicating to the Volunteer Coordinator and RFG Committee what the group is working on, upcoming meetings and outcomes when available. The RFG committee reserves the right to attend meetings where appropriate. 
  7. Working with the group to form action plans and pathways putting tasks and timelines in place to help towards achieving the goals of the group and resolutions to the issues.
  8. Help to build a supportive and empowering Redress Focus Groups community by attending meetings and sharing info online when possible.
  9. Appoint a Volunteer Lead to liaise with Volunteer Coordinator and Committee.

Non Residential Buildings (holiday homes/commercial/community) Volunteer Agreement

Click here to download the Volunteer Agreement Form

Please print out the form, fill it in, and send it back to us via email at

Please note, this agreement is not a legal or formal document and is purely for the benefit of the volunteers and organisers of Redress Focus Groups to ensure clarity for all and the smooth running of the initiative. This is also a requirement of our membership with Donegal Volunteers and Volunteers Ireland.